About Us
Asia Association of Plant Scientists (AAPS) creation:
Asia being the largest continent covers 30% of the Earth's total land area and 8.7% of the Earth's total surface area. It is home to nearly ~ 4.5 billion people with economies ranging from developed to developing and under-developed. Asia is the main bread basket of the world with wheat, rice and millets as major crops. It houses nearly forty nine countries which show striking contrasts in terms of climate, biodiversity and human geographies. Towards plant sciences advancement and unraveling unsolved mysteries of plants, Asian scientists have made a huge contribution world over. Engine of scientific breakthroughs in developed countries are also led by scientists of Asian origins. Roping all Asian plant scientists at a common platform will help in identifying issues of regional importance to serve the humanity and to combat climate change in Asia.
Asia Association of Plant Scientists (AAPS) being a non-profit organization shall provide a common platform for Asia plant scientists to ponder on finding innovative solutions towards issues seeking immediate attention. Society will strive hard to bring scientific education and awareness among Asian people having sympathies with the society objectives:
- The purposes of this organization are to encourage and promote the growth of plant sciences education, awareness and research aptitude among the plant scientists, researchers and students.
- The organization will promote both basic and applied aspects of plant sciences and life processes of plants, to publish innovative and path breaking results in plant sciences.
- To act as a platform to promote the common welfare and fellowship of plant scientists across Asian Countries. The Society is a non-profit scientific organization and will operate without the object of financial gain.
Plant Quotes
Awards and Research Seed
Swaminathan Medal and Borlaugh Medal Etc…
AwardsSeed funding 10X (500 USD) for innovative short projects
Research SeedContact
802, Sector - 81, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Mohali, India, 140306
Branch Offices:
Singapore/South Korea/Turkey under registration
info@aapsci.org, membership@aapsci.org